The Cannon Free Library

Preschool Story Time, Toddler Rhyme Time, Afterschool Fun & more…
The Cannon Free Library hosts multiple children’s programs every week.
The library’s Autumn/Winter Schedule (November-March)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-7pm and Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30-5pm
AND Saturdays, from 10:00-1pm
When Delaware Academy closes due to snow and sleet, the library will also be closed.
Meet Jennifer Kabat, author of The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Longing and Rebellion
Tuesday, March 25, time to be announced

The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Longing and Rebellion is purported to transport readers back into the dramatic Anti-Rent Wars, bringing them to life in a vivid and memorable way.
Jennifer Kabat has also written Nightshining, Published by Milkweed Editions. She has received an Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers’ Grant for her criticism and has been published in BOMB and the Best American Essays, the Los Angeles Review of Books, The New Yorker Review, among other places. She often collaborates with visual artists. Ms. Kabat lives in Margaretville and serves on her volunteer fire department.
We look forward to her presentation, and welcome everyone to join us on March 25.
Wednesday knitting – Thursday mahjong – Tuesday morning bridge – crafts – afterschool programs – forums for discussion and more.
Check out our calendar page for more ideas of things to do and people to meet at the library.

Do you have a Four County Library System library card? Do you have access to the books, DVDs and audio books in the 43 system libraries? The ability to download all kinds of materials through the Libby app? If not, you need a library card.
Come in to get your card today.
Bring some form of ID and a piece of mail that shows your local address. Choose the classic design, or the limited-edition reading, reclining bear.

Writers’ Group: If you’re a writer or a Poet–published or otherwise–please consider a sit-down with the Cannon Free Library Writers’ Group. Meetings every second Wednesday of the month at 1pm.

Consider dropping in to the Knitting Circle or the Mahjong Group or the Bridge Club
Knitters and crocheters gather around the table each Wednesday from 10:00 until noon. Other handicrafters are always welcome, too, for a time of creation and conversation.
Mahjong action takes place every Thursday between noon and 4pm. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert or just curious about Mahjong, you’re welcome to come and play. Bring a friend!
Bridge games and instruction take place every other Tuesday at 10am. Call the library for more definitive scheduling.

Join. Contribute. Enjoy.