Internet Safety Policy


  1. As part of its mission, the Cannon Free Library provides Internet access and personal computing resources to registered borrowers and visitors (over 17). Unattended minors under the age of 17 must have a signed Consent Form on file to access the public computers.
  2. Cannon Free Library also provides wireless access, enabling individuals to use their privately owned computer equipment to access the Internet.  Visitors who wish to use Cannon Free Library’s wireless connectivity are not required to meet borrower eligibility criteria.  Wireless access does require the acceptance of Cannon Free Library’s Wireless Network Policy.
  3. The Cannon Free Library does not monitor and has no control over the information on the Internet. The Cannon Free Library assumes no responsibility for any loss or damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet or from any other use of its personal computing resources.
  4. As with all library resources, patrons are advised to exercise their own critical judgment and discrimination when evaluating sites found on the Internet. Certain information may be inaccurate, misleading or offensive to some individuals.
  5. Unauthorized access, including so-called hacking, and any other unlawful activities by any Library users are strictly prohibited.
  6. To comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act and restrict access to online content that may be considered harmful to minors or offensive to adults, the Cannon Free Library employs technology protection measures (filters) on all computers with Internet access in its Children’s Room. Users must be cautioned that filters are not foolproof and due to technological limitations cannot obstruct access to all potentially harmful or offensive content. In addition, filters may block access to some legitimate or constitutionally protected material found on the Internet. By law, individuals who have attained the age of 17 have the right to unfiltered Internet access.


  1. Parents/guardians have the sole right and responsibility to decide what is appropriate for their child. The Cannon Free Library does not act in loco parentis (i.e., in the place or role of the parent). Parents/guardians are responsible for the supervision of their child’s Internet activity. Children who use the Internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate or disturbing information and images.
  2. The Library has taken measures designed to assist in the safe and effective use of the Internet, including:
    • Employing technology protection measures (filters) on all computers offering Internet access in its Children’s Room.
    • To address the issue of the safety and security of minors (individuals who have not attained the age of 17) when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications, the Library recommends the following safety guidelines. Minors should:
    • Always ask their parents’ permission before using their full name, address, telephone number, or school name anywhere on the Internet;
    • Always tell their parents or another adult they trust if they see something online that is frightening or that they do not understand;
    • Never respond to messages that make them feel uncomfortable or uneasy;
    • Never give out a credit card number or password online without parental approval, and
    • Never arrange to meet in person someone they have met online unless they discuss it with their parents and an adult accompanies them.


All patrons must abide by the Library’s Code of Conduct and are expected to use Internet and/or personal computing resources in a responsible and orderly manner. Failure to comply with the policies and regulations that govern the use of the Library’s Internet access and personal computing resources may result in immediate suspension of library privileges and, where necessary, civil liability and/or criminal prosecution. The following are prohibited:

  1. Damaging equipment, software, or data;
  2. Violating system security;
  3. Violating any legal agreement (e.g., software licenses);
  4. Violating any federal, state or local law (e.g., copyright, child pornography);
  5. Using personal software on Library equipment, and
  6. Engaging in activities that may be judged as disruptive by Library staff or patrons.

User responsibilities are not limited to the above and may be subject to change.

By adopting this policy, the Cannon Free Library Board of Trustees authorizes the Administration to acquire appropriate hardware and software to provide Internet access and other approved computer-based services and to develop rules and regulations to implement this policy.


I, _______________________, the parent/legal guardian, give __________________________­ permission to use public
your name                                                                      name of minor
computers at the Cannon Free Library, including the Internet, in my absence.

I will not hold the Cannon Free Library responsible for monitoring the child’s actions on the computer/Internet.

I, as a parent/guardian, am responsible and will guide said child in the allowable usage of the system.

The child will abide by Cannon Free Library’s Internet Safety Policy, Code of Conduct, and all patron policies. I understand that in the case that ­____________________ should not abide by any of Cannon Free Library’s policy his/her computer privileges may be revoked, he/she will be asked to leave, and only be allowed to return with a parent/guardian present.

Minor Signature________________________________________ Date_______________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________ Date______________



Home Phone ________________________________ Alternate Phone__________________

Child’s Birth Date________________________  Library Card Number:_____________________________


Adopted by Cannon Free Library Board of Trustees
August 17, 2018