New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2024


George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Abigail Magrath, Secretary

Angelica Schmidt, Trustee (arrived 6:15)

Also Present:

Michelle Priola, Director


Donna Wells, Treasurer

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

George Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

Darla Smith made a motion to approve the February and March bills, seconded by George Anderson. Motion carries 4-0.

Jill Robinson made a motion to approve minutes from the January 31, 2024 board meeting, seconded by Darla Smith. Motion carries 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report: 

Michelle Priola distributed the treasurer’s report on behalf of Donna Wells, since she was unable to attend the meeting. No concerns were found. 

Director’s Report:

The library was awarded the Stewart’s Holiday Match grant for $1,000. This money will be used for the summer reading program. Since the start of the year, library director, Michelle Priola, has applied for six grants and been awarded four. She is currently awaiting approval for the two remaining grants.

Through the Community Foundation grant, the library was able to purchase a bench. It is currently in the NY room at the library. When the weather improves, the DPW will build a concrete pad and anchor it to the ground.

The library was also awarded the Summer Reading Grant for the three-week children’s summer art program. Michelle reached out to Stephanie Fisher, who is in charge of the summer meal program at Unadilla Valley Central School District, in order to run the program concurrently. 

The Easter Egg Hunt program was a success, despite snowy conditions. Thirty children signed up and 27 attended. There were a few cancellations and last minute add ons. 

Michelle Priola will be off on April 2, 2024 because she will be assisting in the primary elections as a poll worker.

The library will be hosting a Solar Eclipse Party on April 3, 2024 at 5 PM. This event is sponsored by the New Berlin Art Forum and will include a story, craft, cupcakes and solar eclipse glasses. Any extra glasses will be available at the front desk after the program.

There will be a Mother’s Day basket raffle fundraiser beginning in April. The basket will contain donated items. Tickets will be $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. So far, the library has sold 40 tote bags, enough to break even on the costs.

The library will be hosting spring art classes in May. There will be a children’s class and an adult class. Both classes will be sponsored by the New Berlin Art Forum.

The Perkins Summer Concert Series acts are booked and signed except for the Utica Zoo, which will be received at a later date. The acts are:

8/7- Birdy and Ed

8/14- Dirt Road Express Band

8/21- Realtime Dixieland

8/28- Utica Zoomobile 

The annual report is now complete and approved. It was sent to Albany. A copy can be requested. Circulation numbers are up. Number of books is up. The library saw approximately 50 more borrowers this past year. 

Michelle Priola has been continuing her education by attending free library classes. She is currently registered to attend 6 upcoming classes.

The display case near the circulation desk will continue to showcase unique collections. The visiting displays are:

December- Antique Santas

January- Nature collection

February- Occupied Japan figurines

March- Ukraine

April- Uranium Depression glass

Computers 2, 3, and 4 have been updated with Reboot Restore. Computer 1 was sent to Binghamton on 3/27/24.

The solar panels on the library have been experiencing issues. It is believed to be an issue with the control panel. Michelle is currently working with the solar panel company to address the issues.

The piano was tuned for $150.

The front door has had issue latching. The issues began when the door was installed. A self-closing arm could potentially fix the issue. The cost of a self-closing arm ranges from $40-$150. Michelle is going to get in touch with the DPW to see if they can repair it. 

New business:

JIll Robinson brought up concern over Michelle Priola using her own funds to supply food and supplies for library programs. Going forward, Michelle agreed to use the library credit card to buy additional food for programs or to submit her receipts in order to be refunded. 

George Anderson makes a motion to close the meeting at 6:25 seconded by Abigail Magrath. Motion carries 5-0.