New Berlin Library Minutes for December 28th Organizational Meeting

In attendance:

George Anderson- President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer   

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Lynn LaValley, Trustee

Also in attendance:   

Michelle Priola, Director   

Start time: 6:00pm End time: 6:15pm

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Director’s Report:

Michelle reviews the need to update the library Covid Plan to the adapted Pandemic plan.

George Anderson makes a motion to rescind the existing Covid Plan and replace it with the adapted Pandemic Plan that was sent out by Michelle on December 12th to the Board members.  Darla Smith seconds, motion carries 7-0.

Michelle passes around the annual conflict of interest forms for each trustee to sign and collects them after they have been signed.

Michelle shows board members the Graphic Design logo that graphic artist Renee Priola designed for the library.  Logo approved by consensus.

Michelle mentions the need to set a date for the annual sexual harassment training inservice sometime in January.  All board members and employees not completing training online will attend this meeting at a date yet to be established in January to complete state requirements.

Jill Robinson makes a motion to approve November’s meeting minutes pending tally corrections suggested by Darla Smith seconded by Donna Wells.  Motion carries 7-0.

Michelle Priola updates the Board members that the Walmart grant was received and used to purchase a new 55” flat screen smart tv and a cart to replace the current tv /stand that has become compromised.

Treasurer’s update:

Discussion regarding accounting software and a payroll subscription increase occurs.

George Anderson makes a motion to approve the cost of the payroll support program seconded by Darla Smith motion carries 7-0.


George Anderson counts the ballots for Board members.  Donna Wells receives 15 votes.  Jill Robinson receives 17 votes.  Election results reveal that both trustees have won back their seats for the next term.

Donna Wells makes a motion to appoint the following trustees for the following offices:

George Anderson-president

Darla Smith- vice president

Donna Wells- treasurer

Angelica Schmidt- secretary

Seconded by Jill Robinson motion carries 7-0.


George Anderson makes a motion to accept Lynn LaValley’s resignation as of December 31st 2022 seconded by Jill Robinson.  Motion carries 7-0.  This leaves one year in which the Board must appoint someone to complete the remainder of Lynn’s term.  Board members and staff offer their gratitude for her participation and service to the library as trustee.

George Anderson makes a motion to close the meeting at 6:15pm seconded by Darla Smith.  Motion carries 7-0.