New Berlin Library Minutes for November 30th 2022
In attendance:
George Anderson- President
Darla Smith, Vice President
Donna Wells, Treasurer
Angelica Schmidt, Secretary- arrived at 6:24pm
Alan Fairbrother, Trustee
Jill Robinson, Trustee
Also in attendance:
Michelle Priola, Director
Not in attendance:
Lynn LaValley, Trustee
Start time: 6:01 pm End Time: 6:41 pm
George opens the meeting at 6:01pm.
George Anderson makes a motion to approve last meeting’s minutes, seconded by Donna Wells motion
carries 6-0.
Latest bills are passed around to each trustee for review and signing. George Anderson makes a motion
to approve the latest bills seconded by Darla Smith. Motion carries 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
Donna passes the Profit and Loss Budget Overview form for January through December 2023 out for
review. Notable changes from last year are discussed, including automation fee has decreased,
miscellaneous programming fee has been reduced from $1200 to $900, and the Reading Program
budget has increased from $500 to $600.
Darla Smith makes a motion to approve next year’s budget, seconded by George Anderson, motion
carries 6-0.
Donna reviews the Profit and Loss and Balance sheets for this year as of October and October 10th
respectively. Board reviews both forms.
Director’s Report:
Michelle updates the Board on the Holiday Bazaar’s progress. It will run November 14th through
December 30th. Various items have been donated including an exercise equipment Lynn LaValley has
donated. Two pieces of exercise equipment have sold for $100 each for a total of $200. These are being
recorded under Holiday Bazaar Sale. The Holiday Bazaar has sold $317 worth of items so far.
Michelle updates the Board that elections for Board seats begin December 1st. Two nominations have
been received, including one for Donna Wells and one for Jill Robinson. Elections will take run from
December 1st through December 28th where votes will be counted at the special meeting held on
December 28th
Michelle provides information about the Summer Reading Program as follows: She has submitted the
application for the Stewart’s Holiday Match Grant. Last year the library received $750. This year $1000
has been requested. The amount received is dependent on donations Stewarts receives.
Michelle brings up the issue of reducing fines and working with 4CLS to coordinate this. Book fines will
be 10 cents and DVDs will be 50 cents.
Michelle also updates the Board on the possible need to increase copies from 10 cents to 25 cents due
to the rising cost of HP ink, which is what the library printers require. The rising cost of paper will also
factor in.
Michelle brings to the Board’s attention the update on communication with the Village of New Berlin’s
mayor, regarding his request to “cost share” oil and maintenance of the building. As is the village has
been unburdened from their obligations in the past as follows: The Library has previously paid $11,000
for radiators. In addition to this, the library had written a grant that paid for 50% of the boiler that is
used to heat not only the library portion of the building, but the other portions of the building not used
for library purposes. This maintenance occurred in 2010. This alone had totaled $7,414. Additionally,
the Phelps will stipulates that the village is responsible for the maintenance of the building. The mayor
claims that the residents are being “taxed twice” via the village tax and library tax. The library tax,
however, is in support of the annual budget, not building maintenance. Another thing that factors in
this discussion concerns the tax base for the library being larger than just the village, and therefore it
would be erroneous to expect this larger tax base to pay for village responsibilities as defined in the
Phelps will.
Donna Wells makes a motion to continue not to cost share any building maintenance with the village,
seconded by George Anderson. Motion carries 6-0.
Further discussion occurs about requests for building maintenance already communicated to the village
and pending maintenance. Currently gutter maintenance would be prudent to look in to, as
preventative maintenance might reduce costs of having to replace the fire door exit, overall saving
expenses that might incur to the village. Additionally lead paint abatement and subsequent painting of
the building needs to occur. Jill Robinson makes the suggestion that a certified letter be written to the
village concerning these issues, as preventative maintenance could quite possibly offset the expense.
General agreement that this would be a good plan of action.
Michelle mentions Sue the librarian will be on vacation January through mid-April and that Rick and
Renee have agreed to cover her vacation times so this shouldn’t affect library operational hours.
Angelica Schmidt arrives at the meeting at 6:24pm.
Donna Wells mentions that NBT credit limit was increased to $6500. Donna is looking into getting a new
credit card through Cooperstown that would be linked solely to the library, not her.
Further discussion about the price increase for copies occurs. If it is decided to increase the copies to 25
cents a copy it must be discussed and officiated through 4cls.
Jill Robinson makes a motion to raise the price of copies from 10 cents to 25 cents, seconded by Alan
Fairbrother. Motion carries 7-0.
Michelle updates the Board that she has doctor’s appointments December 14th, 19th and 27th
Further discussion about upcoming library and village events: Organizational meeting and counting of
the ballot box will take place December 28th. December 10th is the Annual Christmas Tea Party at the
Library from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
George Anderson makes a motion to close the meeting at 6:41pm seconded by Jill Robinson motion
carries 7-0.