New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes for January 2022

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Lynn LaValley, Trustee

Also in attendance: Michelle Priola, Director

Not in attendance

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary

Start time: 6:04 pm End Time: 6:25 pm

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.


Bills approved and signed for January. George Anderson made a motion to approve the January bills and it was seconded by Darla Smith. Motion passed 5-0.


December organizational meeting minutes approved. Motion Made by George Anderson and seconded by Lynn LaValley. Motion passed 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna handed out and reviewed the December 2021 Balance Sheet and the January 1-December 31, 2021 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual.

Director’s Report:

The director notified tat the board that all magazine subscriptions will be allowed to lapse per boards request. A determination will be made regarding any renewals at a future date.

The board was updated on the an issue with the circuit box and a boiler leak and the steps that were required to repair both issues.

NYS required Sexual Harassment Prevention Training has been completed by all member of the board and staff for 2022.

Research requested by Donna Wells regarding new surge protectors for library computers has been completed and the board approved the director’s choices.

The director informed the board of her intent to not renew the library’s contract with Junior Library Guild when it is up for renewal. The assistant director will be tasked to generating YA purchases lists after the contract expires.

The board was notified of the changes the director was undertaking in displaying the library’s circulation collection and the purchasing of new shelves.

The board was updated in the status of library weeding in the YA, J, and NF sections.

The director notified the board of her intent to create a children’s focal point display in the juvenile literature room.

Old Business:


New Business:

Request made by Donna Wells that the library send a donation request letter to patrons in April. The director will draft a letter and a mailing list for the trustees to review at the March meeting.

Motion to repeal library mask requirement to coincide with the NYS Mask Mandate repeal on February 10, 2022 made by Donna Wells and seconded by Jill Robinson. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion to discard broken paperback shelf made by George Anderson and seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 5-0.

Close Meeting:

Motion made to close meeting at 6:25 pm by Lynn LaValley seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 5-0.