Free Raffle to receive 1 hour free leaf raking from the Boy Scouts.
REACH: those who need food.
READ: as often as you can.
RAKE: up those beautiful leaves.
The New Berlin Library is partnering with the New Berlin Boy Scout Troop 61 and the New Berlin Food Pantry to bring the community for the First Annual Reach, Read & Rake Raffle. You cannot buy a raffle ticket for this event. You can only receive raffle tickets by donating food and/or reading books from the New Berlin Library. This event is free and open to the public. The winner of this raffle will receive one hour of leaf raking by the whole Boy Scout 61 Troop on Saturday, November 20th. People are invited to enter as often as they qualify for a ticket. To receive a ticket, donate to the New Berlin Food Pantry or check out a book at he New Berlin Library. Every donation of a non perishable food item received art the New Berlin Library receives a raffle ticket. Every book checked out of the library and read, receives a raffle ticket.
The Boy Scouts are holding a Food Drive on Saturday, November 20, starting at 10am. The Boy Scouts will be going door to door to collect canned and dry goods throughout New Berlin. Please leave canned goods on your porch by 9am, November 20th. If home, you can receive a Reach, Read, & Rake raffle ticket for your donations.