New Berlin Library Minutes for September 30th 2020

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer  

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary  

Alan Fairbrother- Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Also in attendance:  

Michelle Priola, Director  

Not in attendance:

Lynn LaValley

Start time: 6:09 pm End Time:  6:41 pm  

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:09pm. 

Donna Wells makes a motion to approve minutes from July’s meeting and all current signed bills seconded by George Anderson motion carries 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna wells handed out the Balance Sheet as of August 31st 2020 as well as the Profit and Loss Vs. Actual sheets from January through August 2020.  Donna updated the Board that the money currently in Cooperstown Bank may be moved related to changes in Cooperstown Bank ownership involving Wayne Bank of Pennsylvania merger under Norwood Financial Corp.  Donna also informed the Board that there are 2 CDs currently one being due 10/24/20.  Donna stated that she is considering online banking and checking into their interest rates.  Jill Robinson suggested looking into CitiBank online banking as she has had positive experiences working with CitiBank.  Donna also updated the Board that she is currently working on the Budget for 2021 and plans on discussing this in November’s meeting with the Board.

Director’s Report:

Michelle updated the Board on the success of the Beardslee Plaque installation by the DPW, the resuming of fines and fees and how to approach that during the pandemic, and the resumption of the after school program with social distancing procedures in place.

Michelle handed out a policy suggestion to the Board concerning COVID19 Emergency Planning.  Topics for this policy included providing the Library Director with the authority to close the library when necessary concerning a positive COVID test of library staff members or close family as well as how to approach a staff member being acutely sick with similar symptoms abnormal to their baseline health status.  For further information, refer to the written policy.  Board reviewed handed out policy and George Anderson made a motion to make this policy the official library policy Emergency Plan seconded by Darla Smith motion carries 6-0.

Michelle mentioned that George Anderson’s Board seat is up for nomination, George stated that he agreed to run again.  All patrons will have the opportunity to nominate a person of their choosing in October and vote for their nominee in November.  The Ballot box will be opened and votes counted at the Board meeting November 25th.

Michelle reviewed the Holiday closing days with the Board and motion was made by Donna Wells to accept current closing days for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, seconded by Jill Robinson motion carries 6-0.

Michelle updated the Board that she has emailed the contractor who installed the front door 3 times informing him that he needs to create an invoice in order for the library to pay him and that she is awaiting a reply.

New Business

George Anderson informed the Board that a friend offered to donate a Plymouth piano to the library if a way can be found to move said piano to the library.  Board in agreement that this would be something of interest to the library collection.  Donna suggested using funding from the Perkins Grant for moving expenses since it related to musical enrichment for the community.  Michelle offered to check with the Perkins family to ensure their agreement.  George Anderson made a motion to put a cap of $250 on moving expenses of the piano to the library when funding was determined to be available to do so seconded by Jill Robinson motion carries 6-0.


George Anderson made a motion to close the meeting at 6:41pm seconded by Darla Smith motion carries 6-0.