New Berlin Library Minutes for July 29th 2020

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer  

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary  

Lynn LaValley-Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Also in attendance:  

Michelle Priola, Director  

Not in attendance:

Alan Fairbrother- Trustee

Start time: 6:05 pm End Time:  6:51 pm  

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:05pm. 

Current bills due are passed around to each trustee.  George Anderson makes a motion to approve all current and due bills that are available, seconded by Angelica Schmidt motion passes 6-0.

George Anderson makes a motion to approve of last meeting’s minutes seconded by Darla Smith motion passes 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells handed out the Profit and Loss Sheets for January through June of 2020 as well as the Balance Sheet as of July 29th of 2020.  No questions from Board members.

Director’s Report:

Michelle Priola updated the Board on a new learning computer in the works for which she was able to receive a Community Foundation Library Grant for.  See director’s report for further information.

Michelle updated the Board on the progress of selecting an appropriate honorary plaque for Mr. Beardslee and asked for the Board’s approval on the selected plaque which will run approximately $750.  Donna Wells makes a motion to approve of the plaque suggested by Michelle seconded by Lynne LaValley motion carries 6-0.

Michelle updated the Board on the Ezra Keats Foundation grant for a Children’s Art Summer Series, explaining that the grant is being held until the pandemic is no longer an issue, most likely the spring of next year.

Michelle explained the status of the Perkins Family Concert Series cancellation and how approximately $765 from the Perkins Family has instead gone toward providing PPE for the library.

Michelle listed off the events that have so far been cancelled this year related to the pandemic.  See Director’s Report for further information.

Michelle informed the Board that the contractor that installed the front door contacted her and is asking to be paid for the installation and that his estimate did not include painting the door.  Michelle requested that he submit an invoice for services rendered in order that the Library can effectively pay him for his work.  Board in agreement and topic tabled for now awaiting invoice from contractor.

Michelle updated the Board on the progress of the Village hiring a contractor to repair rot on the north side of the building.  The Village has asked the library to pay some of the $5,600 and formally requested half be paid by the Library.  Donna Wells brought to the Board’s attention that the Village’s responsibility is maintenance and upkeep of the library building itself and that New Berlin Library has contributed more than enough that was the responsibility of the Village in maintenance and upkeep of the library to date.  Further discussion occurred.  Motion made by Donna Wells to not pay $2,800 as requested by the Village for repair of the building rot seconded by Darla Smith motion carries 6-0.

Michelle also mentioned that she had contacted the Perkins Family and asked them if they would allocate some of their funding toward installation of gutters to divert water from this area of the building to prevent further rot in the future if approved by the Board.  Donna Wells mentioned that the installation of gutters might lead to further complications depending on where the water was diverted and that primarily once again this was the Village’s responsibility to maintain.  Further discussion occurred as to what would be best to keep the library building in good shape.  Michelle offered the suggestion that she could write a letter reminding the Village of the many repairs previously done to the building from library funds and Board in agreement on this pathway. Donna Wells made a motion to not approve the Perkins Family funding of gutter installation on the library building at this time, seconded by Lynne LaValley motion carries 6-0.  The Board will await further communication with the Village.

New Business

Donna Wells broached the topic on working on the budget in regards to current events and to focus on what spending is absolutely necessary such as payroll, insurance, etc. as opposed to spending that can be deferred until more stable times.  Board in general agreement that this would be a good approach to take in designing the budget.


George Anderson made a motion to close the meeting at 6:51pm seconded by Jill Robinson motion carries 6-0.