New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes for May 27, 2020

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer

Lynn LaValley, Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Also in attendance: Michelle Priola, Director

Not in attendance

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Start time: 6:02 End Time: 6:17 pm

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

Let it be noted that the board members and director are seated 6 feet apart and wearing face coverings.


Bills approved and signed for April and May. George made a motion to approve April and May bills seconded by Darla Smith. Motion passed 5-0.


March Minutes approved. Motion Made by George Anderson and seconded by Lynn LaValley. Motion passed 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells explained balance sheet and CDs.

Donna explained the government called in the Wells Fargo Sweep Account and it is now closed.

Donna explained that the CD that came due was transferred to the savings account. When the interest rates on CDs improve she will move it back into a CD.

Director’s Report:

Michelle has been communicating with the sate, county and 4CLS and has approval to reopen the library to curbside service beginning June 1t. We will offer the service 1-5 PM, Monday through Friday. Each of our 5 hourly employees will work one, four hour shift per week.

Motion made to start curbside service starting June 1st, Monday through Friday 1-5 PM and to continue the reopening phases in step with the rest of the 4CLS Chenango County libraries by Jill Robinson and seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 5-0.

Donna Wells made the motion to continue paying the staff their regular pay during curbside service. George Anderson seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

Motion made by Donna Wells that during the phases of the NY Forward Business Re-Opening staff, patrons, and the general public must wear face coverings to gain entrance to the library building. It was seconded by George Anderson. Motion passed 5-0.

Andrea Miller and Donald Perkins canceled the Perkins Memorial Performance Series for the 2020 season. I have contacted the performer and either canceled or rescheduled for 2021.

The Perkins family have told us that we can use part of the money designated for the performance series can be used for PPEs.

Michelle advised the board that Carol Riley informed her that the village is putting the repairs and painting of library building out to bid.

Motion made to close meeting at 6:17 by George Anderson seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 5-0.