New Berlin Library Minutes for January 29th 2020 Organizational Meeting

In attendance:

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer  

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary  

Lynn LaValley-Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Also in attendance:  

Michelle Priola, Director  

Mary Ellen Canuel- patron

Not in attendance:

George Anderson- President

Alan Fairbrother- Trustee

Start time: 6:17 pm End Time:  6:46 pm  

Darla Smith calls the meeting to order at 6:17pm. 

Current bills due are passed around to each trustee.  Lynn LaValley makes a motion to approve all December and January bills that are available, seconded by Donna Wells motion passes 5-0.

Donna Wells makes a motion to approve minutes from October’s Special Meeting and January’s Organizational meeting seconded by Lynn LaValley motion passes 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells handed out the Profit and Loss Sheets for January through December of 2019 as well as the Balance Sheet as of December 31st 2019.  Donna Wells explained the interest corrections on the Balance Sheet related to all current bank statements now being available.  Donna Wells updated the Board to one of the Cooperstown CDs coming due this February 5th and informed the Board that this money will then be put into NBT Bank in New Berlin Savings account related to saving on the interest rate.  Board in agreement with this as well. 

Jill Robinson asked Donna if the interest made off of the Wells Fargo Bond is enough to offset the annual fee they charge.  Donna Wells explained the background on how the library came to own the Wells Fargo Bond and is looking to close this at a future date, but that taking the money out at this time would lose money.  Donna also states that the interest made is more than the annual fee so until the Wells Fargo bond matures it would be best to keep the money invested in the bond.

 Jill Robinson makes a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Lynn LaValley motion passes 5-0.

Director’s Report:

Michelle Priola handed out Conflict of Interest Forms to all available trustees to sign and collected them once completed and signed.

Michelle asked the Board what they think about having a free raffle of the 2 older kindles for library patrons to participate in once they are refurbished and memory cleared.  Angelica Schmidt made a motion to have a free raffle to patrons of the 2 older kindles once they are refurbished and cleared, seconded by Darla Smith.  Motion passes 5-0.

Michelle updated the Board on the progress of the upcoming Perkins Performance and some of the performers that have been booked so far.

Michelle explained the back doorbell requiring repair and Donna Wells advised that electrician Jimmy Roche please assess the situation to see what is required for repair.  Remaining Board in agreement.

Michelle updated the Board on medical leave situations for library staff.

Michelle mentioned the possibility that the Library Easter Egg Hunt may occur on Friday of the weekend before Easter Sunday weekend related to logistics of needing to organize both events.  More information to come.

Michelle stated that May 9th will be the Spring Tea and that she may ask George Anderson if he would like to be the guest performer again this year. The event may again occur upstairs instead of in the basement as that worked out well last year.

Michelle asked the Board if they would like to do the Mother’s Day Basket raffle again this year and each possibly contribute an item to the basket.  Donna Wells agreed that this would be something she was interested in participating in this year.  Other Board members did not express disagreement.  Michelle will email details of deadlines for contributing to this year’s basket once a theme is in place.

Michelle reviewed the summary breakdown of the Library Annual Report that is sent in every year.  Numbers for the library have overall increased from the previous year.

Donna Wells inquired about the siding/rot issue needing repair on the library and Michelle updated the Board on the Village getting 6 people to look at the area that needed repair with only one estimate given.    Michelle will be looking into applying for the NY State Construction Grant sometime in June and the Village as well will look into getting further estimates after June 1st.


Donna Wells made a motion to close the meeting at 6:46pm seconded by Lynn LaValley motion passes 5-0.

Closing: 6:46 pm