New Berlin Library Minutes for January 8th 2020 Organizational Meeting

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer  

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary  

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Jill Robinson, Trustee

Also in attendance:  

Michelle Priola, Director  

Not in attendance:

Lynn LaValley- Trustee

Start time: 5:50pm End Time: 5:55 pm  

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 5:55pm

George Anderson introduces to the Board new Trustee Jill Robinson.

George Anderson suggests officers be chosen at this time for the year 2020.

Darla Smith makes a motion to nominate George Anderson as president seconded by Alan Fairbrother motion passes 6-0.

Donna Wells nominates Darla Smith to be vice president seconded by Alan Fairbrother motion passes


George Anderson nominates Angelica Schmidt to be secretary seconded by Donna Wells motion passes 6-0.

George Anderson nominates Donna Wells to be treasurer seconded by Alan Fairbrother, motion passes 6-0. 

Michelle Priola reminds the Board that the next meeting will be January 29th 2020 at 6:00pm.


George Anderson makes a motion to close the meeting at 5:55pm seconded by Darla Smith motion passes 6-0.