New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes for November 27, 2019

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer

Lynn LaValley, Trustee

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Also in attendance: Michelle Priola, Director

Not in attendance

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary

Start time: 6:02 End Time: 6:27 pm

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.


Bills passed around to Board members and signed. Darla made a motion to approve October and November bills seconded by Lynn LaValley. Motion passes 5-0.


Tabled until next meeting. Awaiting secretary to send out minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells explained balance sheet and CDs.

Motion to approve 2020 budget made by George Anderson seconded by Alan Fairbrother. Motion Passed 5-0.

Motion made to move January 1 payroll to December 31 made by Darla Smith seconded by Alan Fairbrother. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion made to increase payroll for Richard Fallis and Michelle Priola made by Darla Smith and seconded by Alan Fairbrother . Motion passed 5-0.

Ballot Box:

Michelle Nagiewicz – 8

Jill Robinson – 15

Angelica Schmidt – 31

Darla Smith – 30

Angelica Schmidt and Darla Smith won a five year term each and Jill Robinson won a three year term.

Director’s Report:

Michelle asked to donate 50-60 children picture books that were received free to the library to the Village of New Berlin Christmas party as Santa gifts. Approved by consensus.

Michelle expressed a need for an outdoor outlet and received an estimate for the work in the amount of $140. Motion made by Donna Wells and seconded by Darla Smith. Motion passed 5-0.

Discussion on floor repair progress.

The village asked Michelle to teach Sexual Harassment Prevention Training class on December 5 @ 9 AM. Approved by consensus.

Organization meeting and Sexual Harassment scheduled for January 8 at 5 pm.

Christmas Tea scheduled for December 14 at 2 pm with Joe Lombardi performing for $100.

Discussion on front door. Hold on final payment of $600 until he fixes door color in the spring.

Return receipt received from the certified letter removing Lori Wilson from board.

Michelle told the board that library clerk, Linda Fowlston will be out of work due to surgery starting on January 24 and lasting 4-8 weeks. The staff will be covering her shifts.

Motion made to close meeting at 6:27 by George Anderson seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 5-0.