The election for New Berlin Library Trustees will be held November 1 through the 23. Ballots will be available in the circulation room. You must be a New Berlin Library patron 18 years of age or older to vote in the election. There are 3 seats open, two for five year terms and one for a three year term. The ballot box will be opened at the regularly scheduled library board meeting on November 27 at 6 pm.

Let’s meet the nominees:

Michelle Nagiewicz is a stay at home mom and a Head Start Policy council member. She has an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. Michelle loves libraries and has a great passion for reading. She has lived in the New Berlin area for 6 years and has been a patron of the New Berlin Library for 11 months.

Jill Robinson is a graduate of Syracuse University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Counselor Education. She worked at West Genesee High School for five years and Mount Markham High School for nine years. She and her brother own and run Unadilla Valley Sports Center in New Berlin full-time. A 7 year patron of the New Berlin Library, she is a voracious reader who believes reading and books are a true gift and recognizes that libraries of today need to be many things to many people.

Angelica Schmidt has been on the New Berlin Library Board of Trustees for five years. She has served as library board secretary for the entirety of her time on the board. Angelica has been a patron at the New Berlin Library for 11 years. She is the mother of three and a certified LPN. She attended Cochise Community College and received an avionics degree. Angelica, her husband, and her children children are active patrons of the library who are fixtures at most library functions.

Darla Smith has served on the New Berlin Library Board of Trustees for five years, the last two years as vice president. She is an avid reader and has been a patron of the library for 16 years. Darla is a department manager at Walmart in Norwich and has been a resident of New Berlin since 2002.