New Berlin Library Minutes for May 28th 2019 Meeting

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer  

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary  

Alan Fairbrother, Trustee

Also in attendance:  

Michelle Priola, Director  

Not in attendance:

Lori Wilson- Trustee

Lynn LaValley- Trustee

Start time: 6:00 End Time: 6:32 pm  

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 


Approval of May 1st Emergency Meeting Minutes tabled until July meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells reviews the Treasurer’s report with the Board, mentions one of the Bank of Cooperstown CDs will be coming due this August 5th in the amount of $15,500.  Asks the Board if they have any questions about the Treasurer’s report.  No further discussion.  

Director’s Report:

Michelle Priola reviews the Director’s Report.  In reference to fundraising, and the Public and Municipal Building Fund as well as the legislative grant from Senator Seward being unavailable, Michelle asks the board if a fund raising letter can be sent out to patrons this year.  Michelle passes the fundraising letter she wrote around for Board approval.  George Anderson makes a motion to approve the fund raising letter be sent out to patrons this year, seconded by Alan Fairbrother, motion passes 5-0.

Michelle updates the Board on RCR camera installation concerning the south side stacks, community room and possibly a new outside camera.  George Anderson suggests that a wide angle camera be installed in the outside if possible.  Michelle states she will look into it.  No further discussion.

Michelle mentions the mandatory Sexual Harassment Training that needs to occur this year to meet State requirements.  Board in general agreement that this meeting will take place on July 24th at 5:00pm, the same day as the next Board meeting.

Michelle brings up the condition of the light bulbs at the circulation desk failing too soon.  Donna Wells makes a suggestion that an electrician inspects the fixture and wiring.  George Anderson makes a motion to have an electrician to this, seconded by Darla Smith motion passes 5-0.

Michelle mentions to the Board that Eastern Energy Solutions approached her, and would like to do an energy audit.  Board in agreement that this is not necessary.  No further discussion.

In regards to the Perkins Concert Series this year, Donna requests to have a list of the entertainers so that she can cut checks for each entertainer.  Michelle agrees to provide this.  No further discussion.


George Anderson make a motion to close the meeting at 6:32pm, seconded by Darla Smith, motion passes 5-0.