August 22, 2018 Meeting

In attendance:

George Anderson

Donna Wells

Alan Fairbrother

Darla Smith

Also in attendance:

Michelle Priola, Director

Not in attendance:

Julie Baltich

Lori Wilson

Angelica Schmidt

Meeting brought to order 5:31 PM by George Anderson.

Michelle Priola informed the board about issues with the library solar panels. The company that installed the panels, Great Brook Solar, has gone out of business. The library has an issue with the solar panels. Comparing July 2017 and July 2018 the difference becomes obvious. In July 2018 we used 689 kwh and generated 169kwh. In July 2107 we used 691kwh and generated 544kwh. That is the difference between our bill being$18.41 and $73.79. Both bills are actual, not estimated.


Michelle has been in contact with Revolution Solar of Cooperstown. She sent a diagram and both July bills. They charge $55 an hour and the initial consultation usually takes 2 hours. I would like a motion to hire Revolution solar to inspect the solar panels.

Donna Wells made the motion to approve the hiring of Revolution Solar to inspect the panels. Motion seconded by Alan Fairbrother. Motion Passed 4-0.

Motion made to close meeting by George Anderson and seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 4-0. Meeting closed at 5:35 PM.