New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes for July 25th 2018
In attendance: George Anderson, President Darla Smith, Vice President Donna Wells, Treasurer Angelica Schmidt, Secretary Lori Wilson, Trustee Alan Fairbrother, Trustee Also in attendance: Michelle Priola, Director Start time: 6:00 End Time: 7:20 pm George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Minutes: George Anderson makes a motion to approve the minutes from May’s meeting, seconded by Darla Smith motion approved 6-0. Bills: June and July bills are passed around to the board and signed. George Anderson makes a motion to approve June and July bills, seconded by Darla Smith. Motion carries 6-0. Treasurer’s Report: Donna Wells reviews the balance sheet as of July 25th as well as the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual sheets from January through June 2018. We are currently within Budget. Michelle Priola informed the board that the Beatty Trust funding had been received via mail and was deposited as listed on the Profit and Loss Report. Director’s Report Michelle Priola updated the Board on the final fundraising total from the annual book sale being $229.05. She also updated the Board on the fundraising letters for this year being $1145. Some discussion occurred about possibly alternating years for sending out fundraising letters, decision tabled for now.
Michelle informed the Board that the card catalog computer was currently inoperative and that after consulting with 4CLS it was determined that purchasing a new computer would be less costly and more effective than trying to repair the current computer. Michelle’s suggestion was to wait until November sales, when it was already planned to purchase new computers and use one of the ‘old’ computers as the card catalog.
Michelle updated the Board on the grant money received for and the success of the Children’s Room redecoration, in that children and parents were more comfortable and interested in using the room and stated such to library staff on various occasions.
Michelle informed the Board on the turn out so far for the 3 Perkins concerts as well as the After School Program. She also listed up and coming events going into August.
Michelle suggested an amendment to our current by-laws as follows under section 2 of Membership. Regarding who is allowed to become a board member the phrase ‘or owns property’ will also be included under this listing of eligibility criteria. Donna Wells made a motion to approve this seconded by George Anderson motion carries 6-0.
Michelle requested that the Board make a motion concerning a payroll issue as follows: that employees would be paid on the Tuesday prior to pay day if and when payday falls on a holiday. Lori Wilson made a motion to approve this, seconded by Alan Fairbrother motion carries 6-0.
Library Parking:
Michelle updated the Board on the ongoing issue with a private business occupying library parking spaces with no enforcement from the Village to cease this activity, in spite of posted signs informing vehicles that these spaces are designated library parking. Furthermore the Village recently informed the library director that, during an ‘emergency meeting’ they had decided to give one of the library parking spaces to this same private business. Michelle notified the Board that she and another board member would be attending the next village meeting to dissent this decision for the village to give away property designated to the village for library use to a private business, and asked if the remaining board members were in accord with this approach to communicating with the village. General agreement on this was reached by all board members with some discussion on more board members attending this village meeting.
Lori Wilson asked the Board for permission to talk with a representative of New York Pizzeria about the parking issue, Board approved by consensus. Lori also addressed the concern that it might also be an issue for a private business to be blocking a fire zone in reference to the logistics of the parking issue.
Donna Wells requested to consult an attorney on behalf of the library regarding the village’s proposal to give library parking space to a private business and have the library pay any incurred attorney fees for the consultation. The board agreed by consensus.

Donna Wells made a motion to close the meeting seconded by Darla Smith motion carries 6-0.