New Berlin Library Board Meeting Minutes for May 30th 2018

In attendance:

George Anderson, President

Darla Smith, Vice President

Donna Wells, Treasurer

Angelica Schmidt, Secretary

Julie Baltich, Trustee

Lori Wilson, Trustee

Also in attendance: Michelle Priola, Director

Start time: 6:00 End Time: 6:51 pm

George Anderson calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

April and May Bills:

Bills passed around to Board members and signed. Darla made a motion to approve April and May bills seconded by Donna Wells motion passes 6-0.

March Minutes:

George Anderson made a motion to accept the minutes from March’s meeting, seconded by Donna Wells motion passes 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Donna Wells reviews the balance sheet as of April as well as the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual sheets from January through April 2018. We are currently within Budget. No questions from the Board.

Director’s Report:

Michelle updated the Board that the After School Program continues to be a success with a good turn out, patrons reacted positively to the changes made in the Easy Reading Room and that the grant has been written which accompanies the Learning Spaces Workshop she attended. She explained to the Board the need for a movie license in order to show movies at the library, and suggested that movies be shown starting next year since the movie license is not pro-rated. The cost to purchase a movie license would be $286.

Donna Wells made a motion that effective January 2019 the library will purchase a movie license to show movies at the library seconded by Darla Smith approved by remaining Board 5-0.

Michelle made a request to the Board that moving forward basket fundraising not be voted for if Board members did not wish to contribute to the fundraising baskets. General agreement on this from the Board.

Michelle updated the Board that she would also be attending a Construction Grant workshop on June 15th in Sidney, NY.

Concerning the Art Show, liability waivers are now in place for any patrons that wish to enter the art show in July. Help will be needed for moving museum pieces and putting up art displays. Julie agreed to have her sons help with this project.

Michelle let the Board know that the front porch repair was a success and that further upgrades to the existing porch such as purchasing mats may be on the horizon, in order to ensure protection from the elements.

It was brought to the Board’s attention that local artist Bill McLaughlin wishes to use the New York room in August as a gallery to display his work. In lieu of typical gallery space pricing, he will donate one of his photographs to NBL, which could be used as a fundraising venture sometime in the future. Donna Wells made a motion to allow the New York room to be used as gallery space by Bill McLaughlin, seconded by George Anderson approved 5-0.

Concerning the Perkins Summer Performance Series contracts have all been written and signed by the performers. Michelle asked the Board if they felt the performers should all be paid before the series. Motion made by George Anderson to have the performers paid before the Performance series, seconded by Lori Wilson, approved 6-0.

Michelle informed the Board that the solar panel readout box was not working and asked if the Board felt it was necessary to purchase a new one. General agreement that this would not be required. For now, Michelle agreed to take down the current inoperative readout box.

Michelle stated that her current office is getting very hot and that the AC she found upstairs in spite of attempts to fix is inoperative. Lori Wilson offered to donate an AC she is currently not using. If the AC that Lori donates does not operate Board in general agreement that Michelle can purchase the AC she was originally considering purchasing, which does not require a motion of approval as it is within the purchasing limit to not require this.

Donna Wells mentioned that in the current library rules there is an annual agreement contract that requires the Library Director to sign an annual agreement to continue to work for NBL. She stated she would like to do away with this annual contract. Board generally in agreement that common sense would not require an annual contract since it is redundant. Donna Wells made a motion to get rid of the annual contract policy seconded by George Anderson approved 6-0.

Closing George Anderson made a motion to close the meeting at 6:51 seconded by Alan Fairbrother approved 6-0.