January 3, 2018 Meeting

In attendance:

George Anderson

Donna Wells

Alan Fairbrother

Darla Smith

Lori Wilson

Angelica Schmidt

Also in attendance:

Michelle Priola

Not in attendance:

Julie Baltich

Meeting brought to order 5:03 PM.

Motion made by George Anderson to approve the NYSEG and Utica National bills. Seconded by Alan Fairbrother. Motion passed 5-0. Bills passed around for signing.

Officer Elections


Donna Wells nominated George Anderson for President, seconded by Darla Smith. Nomination approved 5-0.

Vice President:

Donna Wells nominated Darla Smith for Vice President, seconded by Alan Fairbrother. Nomination approved 5-0.


George Anderson nominated Donna Wells for Treasurer, seconded by Darla Smith. Nomination approved 5-0.


Alan Fairbrother nominated Angelica Schmidt for Secretary, seconded by George Anderson. Nomination approved 5-0

Motion to purchase a third Dell Inspiron Computer for patron use. Motion made by Donna Wells. Seconded by George Anderson. Motion passed 5-0.

Discussion of porch repair start date.

Discussion of winter weather and library use.

Motion made to close the meeting by George Anderson and seconded by Donna Wells. Motion passed 6-0. Meeting closed at 5:21 PM.