Kids Craft: coffee can flower pot

Hey Library kids! Take an empty recyclable container, have an adult punch holes in the bottom, and dress it up with some paint and/or decorations to become a flower pot! My kiddos tried their hand at it today!

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Give Your Kids a “Yes” Day

Families! In the world we are currently inhabiting, everything seems like it’s a “no.” One day this week, lay some ground rules/expectations and give your kids a “yes” day. If the want you to play trucks, ponies, tree climbing, or whatever, say yes! Ice cream for lunch? Ok! Make it fun and easy for them just for a day, and maybe use it every other week or so to lighten the mood. Have fun!

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Please Note

The April monthly meeting of the Fairview Public Library will be held via teleconference on Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 5 pm. Interested parties may call Connie Jeffers, board president, at 845-901-3414 by 3 pm on Thursday, April 9, 2020 to request a call-in number and code to participate.

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Kids Challenge: Cook a Meal

Hi Library Littles (and not-so-Littles)! You guys never fail to amaze me with how very smart and talented you are, so I thought it might be fun to extend some challenges to you. (A few will be coming for adults, too).

Today, I want to challenge you to cook a meal. It can be any meal, or even a snack. You can make something simple like peanut butter and jelly or get fancy with pasta puttanesca like the Baudelaires in “A Series of Unfortunate Events” by Lemony Snicket.

When you are done, please have an adult snap a photo of your culinary creation and load it here so we can see what you’ve made!

Have fun, and make sure you follow kitchen safety rules!

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