Starting tomorrow we will be running a five day virtual scavenger hunt! One “clue” will be posted every day for kids, and one for adults. A winner in each group will be randomly chosen to receive a prize daily!
Some Writing Prompts
We all know reading helps us escape the real world, but what about writing? It can also be a good release! Are you or your child(ren) keeping a journal? This is something that’s never happened to us before, and it would be interesting to look back in future years to see your/their thoughts and feelings about this time.
Or, if your kid is more of a creative writer, here are some children’s writing prompts:
Huge List of Fun Things to do During Quarantine
Check out this amazing list of fun things to do during quarantine. A virtual “escape.”
For Teens!
A few fun places for teens to virtually “hang out.”
Fitness Bingo
A fun way to keep your kids (or you) active! Complete two squares a day!!
A List of Library Resources
Aside from all the wonderful digital items available to you through Four County Library System on the Libby app, here is list of free resources from a variety of libraries!
Fun Family Traditions
Some fun family traditions you might want to adopt!
A Poem For You From Us
To Our Fairview Patrons
My telephone rings and I want to say,
“Fairview Library! How are you today?”
But I’m not at the library
Snug at my desk
Surrounded by books
Helping people all day…
Instead I am home missing your faces,
Hoping books take you to far off places!
Yes you can use Four County’s site,
Or our WiFi,
From the safety of
Some nearby spaces.
And yet I know it’s not the same. We have…
A kindly face with a story and laugh,
A cookbook club, story time, or kid’s craft!
But home is best,
For it is the safest.
Stay well, from all the Fairview Staff!!
“Fancy Nancy” Tea Party
We had a fancy tea party! Why not break out some pretty china and have one of your own? You can even dress up “Fancy Nancy” style!
Fun Activities for All During Social Distancing
Part two of my wire wrapping is still loading, but in the meantime, here’s some fun things to occupy those of you who are adulting during this interesting time. These are also some great activities for families!