Unfinished Work—Our Story, America’s Story Library Event May 28th Noon to 3:00 p.m.

An Exhibit and Celebration

Artist, Sally Prangley (https://sallyprangley.com/)

The Adelia Read Memorial Library invites everyone to view a homespun exhibit, celebrate contributions to town and country with treats by local culinary artists, and a raffle at 1:30 p.m.


Unfinished Work, curated by library patron, Anne Campos, will commemorate the labors and sacrifices of previous generations and those who persist today.


Cookbook author (Peter Wynne). Artist/gallery owner (Laura McManus). Susie Kulikowski (Arrigan Farms assistant, chef, and crochet club loyalist). Rose Bolster (Library devotee). Taste miniature Scotch Whiskey cakes and tiny Southern pecan pies. Be transported by Moroccan sweets, and discover airy delights with a little bit of the tropics going on.


Throw your name in a hat. Four people take home one of four books.

Sky High (author, Peter Wynne)

The Breakfast Bible (authors, Seb Emina & Malcolm Eggs)

United States of Arugula (author, David Kemp)

Ode to Color (author, Lori Weitzner)