Mark your calendars for the Annual Silent Auction at the Roxbury Library on Saturday, July 1. Registering and bidding begin at 9:30am; bidding will end at 1:30 and winners announced at 2:00pm. Feel free to stop back during the morning to check your desired items – you can always “up” your bids! Make your bids, get a delicious lunch in the town square, and stop back at 1:30 to see what you’ve won! Our items for this year’s Auction include two fabulous fur coats (one mink, one sable); a 1960s sitar; amazing jewelry; a set of Phaltzgraff dinnerware; a gift certificate for one night at your choice of Tower Cottages at The Roxbury; lovely prints and paintings; antiques and vintage items galore and so much more. This is our most important fundraiser of the year – please plan to spend the morning in beautiful Roxbury AND help keep our library doors open!
The Oxford Memorial Library at 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY will be having a kids Carnival from 1:00-4:00 on Sunday October 22nd in the park. There will be lots of games and activities for the kids.
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Family Fun Night at the Oxford Library!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Musical storytelling, a Rapunzel story, summer reading program kickoff night? What could be more fun? Join us at the Oxford Memorial Library for a fun performance by Green Golly, music and storytelling come together for a magical evening at the library.
This is also our kickoff event to get the Summer Reading Program started!
Oxford Memorial Library invites families to a craft night!
You will learn the basics of finger knitting and make a friend to take home with you. Everyone will be able to choose between making a snake or butterfly friend.
All supplies will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
– Hot Chocolate & Treats: Sip on warm cocoa and enjoy holiday snacks.
– Photo Opportunity: Capture the magic with a visit from Santa!

Visit the Oxford Memorial Library for a fun winter craft! All ages are welcome to come and make a snowflake ornament out of puzzle pieces. All children must be accompanied by an adult.