This presentation is for anyone who has ever finished a book and faced the problem of not knowing what to read next. Together we will explore websites, apps, printed lists and more that will not only help us find our Next Great Read, but let us keep track of books that we have read or want to read, and to share the best ones with friends.
Paper coupons and store flyers are disappearing, and apps are taking their place. There are hundreds of terrific, free apps that are easy to use and that will help you save money every time you shop. Log in to learn how to use digital coupons, store ads, rebates and comparison shopping on your phone to make shopping easier and save you time too.
Thanks to the internet, a browser such as Chrome or Microsoft Edge is one of the most-used programs on our computers, but many people don’t really understand browsers. Find out how to get the most out of your browser with a few simple tricks. We’ll cover settings, tabs, special features and bookmarks in Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Next month we will cover Safari. Tune in to find out how to customize your browser and improve your browsing skills.
Our First Annual (we hope!) Plant Sale to be held Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the Roxbury Library. Our green-thumbed staff and volunteers will have a huge variety of plants, bulbs, gardening books, and gardening supplies for you to browse and buy. See you then!
Mark your calendars for the Annual Silent Auction at the Roxbury Library on Saturday, July 1. Registering and bidding begin at 9:30am; bidding will end at 1:30 and winners announced at 2:00pm. Feel free to stop back during the morning to check your desired items – you can always “up” your bids! Make your bids, get a delicious lunch in the town square, and stop back at 1:30 to see what you’ve won! Our items for this year’s Auction include two fabulous fur coats (one mink, one sable); a 1960s sitar; amazing jewelry; a set of Phaltzgraff dinnerware; a gift certificate for one night at your choice of Tower Cottages at The Roxbury; lovely prints and paintings; antiques and vintage items galore and so much more. This is our most important fundraiser of the year – please plan to spend the morning in beautiful Roxbury AND help keep our library doors open!
The Oxford Memorial Library at 8 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY will be having a kids Carnival from 1:00-4:00 on Sunday October 22nd in the park. There will be lots of games and activities for the kids.
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Family Fun Night at the Oxford Library!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Stop by the library for a fun time with Jess. There will be crafts and games for everyone to enjoy!
Come to the Oxford Memorial Library for a new presentation by Henry Drexler. Learn about Chenango county’s history of abandoned farmland through art.
Visit the Oxford Memorial Library for a magical craft night making homes for our Fairy Friends! Crafters and Fairy enthusiasts of all ages are welcome!

Solitude Farmz will be visiting the Oxford Memorial Library this weekend to share their experience and knowledge of Monarch butterflies. Join us for their presentation about the raising, releasing, and tagging of Monarch butterflies. At a time when the population of these beautiful butterflies has declined by 90% it is extremely important to learn about the stewardship practices Solitude Farmz has developed and use. This program is open to all ages and everyone is encouraged to come!
Solitude Farmz is a Monarch Waystation certified by the Monarch Watch organization. Monarch Waystations have to meet specific criteria by providing things such as native milkweeds, nectar plants, shelter for Monarch butterflies. If you are interested in visiting this Monarch Waystation yourself, Solitude Farms is a five star rated Airbnb host.

Family Game Night is the third Thursday each month at the Oxford Memorial Library! Bring the family or some friends to have fun playing a variety of board games. You can bring your favorite game from home or play one from our collection. Some players bring really interesting games for everyone to play and it is a great way to spend a Thursday evening.

Visit the Oxford Memorial Library for a Plant and Seed Swap!
All visitors will be entered into a drawing for a handmade Macrame Plant Hanger!
You can bring houseplants, perennials, and seeds
- Plants must be in pots or another suitable container and labeled.
- Please only bring healthy and pest free plants to the swap
- Seeds must be labeled
- Some bags and boxes will be available for carrying your plants home but bringing your own is recommended.
Get the garden season started and make some new planty friends!
Celebrate Pride Month with us at the Oxford Memorial Library on Saturday, June 22nd! We will have crafts, music, food, book and movie recommendations, and a safe space to enjoy the community.
Musical storytelling, a Rapunzel story, summer reading program kickoff night? What could be more fun? Join us at the Oxford Memorial Library for a fun performance by Green Golly, music and storytelling come together for a magical evening at the library.
This is also our kickoff event to get the Summer Reading Program started!
Oxford Memorial Library invites families to a craft night!
You will learn the basics of finger knitting and make a friend to take home with you. Everyone will be able to choose between making a snake or butterfly friend.
All supplies will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
– Hot Chocolate & Treats: Sip on warm cocoa and enjoy holiday snacks.
– Photo Opportunity: Capture the magic with a visit from Santa!