The New Berlin Library will be holding two spring art programs. The first program will be a children’s art class held on Monday, March 24 at 5pm. The second winter art program will be an adult art class held on Monday, April 7 at 5pm. Both painting classes are of sunflower paintings, of different skill levels.
The children’s spring art program will be for children 12 and younger. Participating children will be taught to make a 3-D Bunny Portraits on 5×7 cardboard. The library will cut and form the bunny faces out of egg cartons before the class. The participating children will cut out the ears, clothing and other items for the portraits as wells as paint the bunny faces and ears. The bunny pieces be assembled and glued to 5×7 cardboard sheets.
The adult spring art program will be for adults and teens. Participants will be taught to create a Sakura Easter Eggs. Sakura are Japanese flowering cherry trees. Participants will wind cream colored yarn around glue covered Styrofoam eggs. After the eggs are covered participants with draw branches using metallic copper markers and finally pink blossoms will be glued to the branches.
All materials will be supplied free of charge. Registration is required for both programs. Please stop in to the library or call the circulation desk at 607.847.8564 to register.